Ada - Self portrait

Ada Ramzews, born 1988 in Munich, received her dance education in Classical Ballet and Modern Dance at the Ballett-Akademie München / HMTM and at Benedict Manniegel Ballet Academy Munich, where she graduated in a dual study of dance and ballet methodics (Vaganova system) under master guidance of her later-on mentor Prof. Heinz Manniegel.

She was awarded with silver, gold and a special prize at Tanzolymp Berlin in the Modern Dance Category and became a soloist and choreographic assistant in the affiliated Benedict Manniegel Dance Company. Additionally, she accepted a teacher’s position in the School&Academy, took over the production management of the Company and, as a debuty director since 2017, initiated rebranding and redefining Benedict Manniegel Ballet in 2018.

Parallely to her work in the studio, she absolved a B.A. degree in Culture and Science at Fernuniversiät Hagen 2015 and a M.A. degree in Culture and Media Management at Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg in 2018. Continuing her academic path, she started her PHD about transferring a socio-philosophical theorem by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari into managememt theory.